(2024) Launch of the Bilingual Edition of Urbano Bettencourt’s book Santo Amaro sobre o mar / Santo Amaro by the Sea, English Translation by Rosa Neves Simas, Livraria SolMar, Ponta Delgada, 22 November.
(2024) Launch of the Bilingual Edition of Urbano Bettencourt’s book Santo Amaro sobre o mar / Santo Amaro by the Sea, English Translation by Rosa Neves Simas, Livraria SolMar, Ponta Delgada, 22 November.
(2024) Launch of the Bilingual Edition of Urbano Bettencourt’s book Santo Amaro sobre o mar / Santo Amaro by the Sea, English Translation by Rosa Neves Simas, Livraria SolMar, Ponta Delgada, 22 November.