Presentation of the Anthology – Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada

(2003) Presentation of the Anthology, Volumes I, II, III and IV,  by the Sociologist and Professor Emeritas Anália Torres at the Ponta Delgada Municipal Hall

Published in 2003, after the 2001 Conference, the four-volume bilingual anthology entitled Women in the Azores and the Immigrant Communities was launched in the Grand Salon, Ponta Delgada Municipality, and presented by the Sociologist Anália Torres, full professor and founder /director of CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies) of the University of Lisbon.

Photo: CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies), University of Lisbon

Video: RTP Açores


Anália Torres
Reportagem RTP Açores
Presentation of the Anthology – Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada

(2003) Presentation of the Anthology, Volumes I, II, III and IV,  by the Sociologist and Professor Emeritas Anália Torres at the Ponta Delgada Municipal Hall

Published in 2003, after the 2001 Conference, the four-volume bilingual anthology entitled Women in the Azores and the Immigrant Communities was launched in the Grand Salon, Ponta Delgada Municipality, and presented by the Sociologist Anália Torres, full professor and founder /director of CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies) of the University of Lisbon.

Photo: CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies), University of Lisbon

Video: RTP Açores


Anália Torres
Reportagem RTP Açores
Presentation of the Anthology – Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada

(2003) Presentation of the Anthology, Volumes I, II, III and IV,  by the Sociologist and Professor Emeritas Anália Torres at the Ponta Delgada Municipal Hall

Published in 2003, after the 2001 Conference, the four-volume bilingual anthology entitled Women in the Azores and the Immigrant Communities was launched in the Grand Salon, Ponta Delgada Municipality, and presented by the Sociologist Anália Torres, full professor and founder /director of CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies) of the University of Lisbon.

Photo: CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies), University of Lisbon

Video: RTP Açores


Anália Torres
Reportagem RTP Açores