Woman Cooking Underground

Although the famous Cozido das Furnas (meat and vegetables cooked in the volcanic soil of Furnas) is usually prepared by women, I’ve been told that there are virtually no images of women participating in the process of cooking this delicious dish. It was in 1982 that I did this outing with two couples from California who were visiting São Miguel Island.

Cozido (1982)

Cozido Team

Cozido bag

Cozido in the ground

Cozido hole

Cozido clay

Cozido ready

Serve cozido

Serve cozido

Eat cozido
Woman Cooking Underground

Although the famous Cozido das Furnas (meat and vegetables cooked in the volcanic soil of Furnas) is usually prepared by women, I’ve been told that there are virtually no images of women participating in the process of cooking this delicious dish. It was in 1982 that I did this outing with two couples from California who were visiting São Miguel Island.

Cozido (1982)

Cozido Team

Cozido bag

Cozido in the ground

Cozido hole

Cozido clay

Cozido ready

Serve cozido

Serve cozido

Eat cozido
Woman Cooking Underground

Although the famous Cozido das Furnas (meat and vegetables cooked in the volcanic soil of Furnas) is usually prepared by women, I’ve been told that there are virtually no images of women participating in the process of cooking this delicious dish. It was in 1982 that I did this outing with two couples from California who were visiting São Miguel Island.

Cozido (1982)

Cozido Team

Cozido bag

Cozido in the ground

Cozido hole

Cozido clay

Cozido ready

Serve cozido

Serve cozido

Eat cozido